Tuesday, November 30, 2010

TMI Response

Is the internet color blind? I don’t think so.  I think that hoping fo,r or wanting a “colorblind” society is both unrealistic and unproductive.  In America, people come from all over the world.   We are ultimately a country of immigrants.  Because of this, there will always be stereotypes, and the only thing that can work to diminish stereotypes, is awareness of these stereotypes.   The emergence of social networking is serving as a productive medium that connects people from all over the world.  With the combination of the internet and other media outlets, people now more than ever, can connect with other people from different ethnic backgrounds and see them as equal beings regardless of their appearance.  People are also finding themselves interacting with many different types of people via the internet that they typically would not.  Courtney Marshal said that we should,” use the Internet stra­tegically, as a means for enhancing and strengthening community, rather than transcending identity.” The internet has and will continue to help bring communities and cultures together.  All it takes is one good experience with someone who you have had a previous stereotype about for that stereotype to go away, and social media and the internet allows a much better chance for that to happen.

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