Tuesday, September 7, 2010


TMI , aka "too much information" is showing up a lot throughout various social networks. I am a facebook user and see it every day. It has gotten to the point where I literally have to block people so that their status updates do not appear on my live feed every minute of every day. TMI can occur in many ways, however, I seem to see it in two specific ways. Some people are "guilty" of TMI with the number of status updates they post in a day and some people are guilty because of the content in which they post. I find it somewhat entertaining at times, but most of the time its flat out annoying. It's hard to understand how someone can update their status on facebook more times in one day then I have in my whole facebook career. It is also very annoying when someone shares "too much information" on a content level via a status update. Why would you publicly post a private matter on facebook so that your whole social network can see? Clearly you are desperate for attention. All in all TMI is becoming a problem amongst most social networks. In my opinion it stems for the media, which pushes that sort of thing. Hopefully people start to become more aware of TMI, especially some of my "facebook friends" so that my feed gets less polluted. I found a good read on this topic here.

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