Monday, October 25, 2010

Stephen King's - On Writing

              Stephen King’s On Writing, is an extremely insightful book on how to write.  It is written in a casual tone which allows the person reading to really engage in his words.  I especially like how he breaks down the process of writing using his tool chest metaphor.
King explains the ins and outs of writing.  He offers his opinion often, and does it in a humorous and sometimes “in your face” way.  Being such decorated author, I was thrown off by his casual tone.  He tells the story the way he sees it, and I admire him for that.  I wish more educational texts were written in this tone.  I think that students of all ages would react more positively to a book like this, than to the standard textbook written “from up above” the rest of us.
Oddly enough, this was my first Stephan King book.  I think I might be the only college student in the world who can say that.  I am interested in reading more by King, but with so many options out there, I don’t know where to begin.  Can anyone offer some advice on what to read next?